Use of Working Loads

Working Loads

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Working loads are based on a percentage of the minimum tensile strength of new and unused rope of current manufacture with appropriate end termination installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.  The working load is strictly a guideline for the use of a rope in non-critical applications and should be reduced in situations where life, limb or valuable property are involved, or for exceptionally severe service such as shock or sustained loading etc.  It is recommended that the user establish working loads and corresponding working factors based on professional and experienced assessment of any risks involved.  CAUTION: USE OF WORKING LOADS: Because of the wide range of rope use, rope condition, exposure to the several factors affecting rope behavior, and the degree of risk of life and property involved, it is  impossible to make blanket recommendations as to working loads.  However, to provide guidelines, working loads are tabulated for rope in good condition with appropriate splices, in non-critical applications and under normal service conditions.  A higher working load may be selected only with expert knowledge of conditions and professional estimate of risk and if rope has not been subject to dynamic loading or excessive use, has been inspected and found to be in good conditions and is to be used in the recommended manners, and the application does not involve elevated temperatures, extended periods under load, or obvious dynamic loading such as sudden drops, snubs, or pickups.  For all such applications and for applications involving more severe exposure conditions, or for recommendations on special applications, consult the manufacturer.  Many uses of rope involve serious risk of injury to personnel or damage to valuable property.  This danger is often obvious, as when a heavy load is supported above one or more workmen.  An equally dangerous situation occurs if personnel are in line with a rope under excessive tension.  Should the rope fail, it may recoil with considerable force - especially if the rope is Nylon. Persons should be warned against standing in line with the rope.  IN ALL CASES WHERE ANY SUCH RISKS ARE PRESENT, OR THERE IS ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE LOADS INVOLVED OR THE CONDITIONS OF USE, THE WORKING LOAD SHOULD BE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED AND THE ROPE BE PROPERLY INSPECTED.  DYNAMIC LOADS: Dynamic loading voids safety factors.  When a load is moved, stopped, picked up , swung or imparted to a rope in use, there is an increased force due to dynamic loading.  The more rapidly or suddenly this happens, the greater the increase will be.  In  many cases, the force imparted to the rope may be double, triple, or more times the normal load.  In all such applications, safety factors given do not apply.

All weight, strength, size and working load charts contained herein supersedes all data and specifications sheets published prior to Janurary 1, 2010.